Miscellaneous Sports Injuries

Osteotomy for the Stabilization of Recurrent Post-Traumatic Dislocation of the Hip. Crowther JD, Chudik SC, Dahners LE. Periacetabular Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2002;16(6):433-435.

Hip Dislocations in Athletes.Chudik SC, Allen AA, Lopez V, Warren RF. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy and Review 2002;10:123-133.

Inter-Association Task Force Recommendations on Emergency Preparedness and Management of Sudden Cardiac Death in High School and College Athletic Programs: A Consensus Statement. Journal of Athletic Training. 2007; 42:143-158.

Successful Treatment of a Dislocating Posterior Tibial Tendon. Williams D, Chudik S C, McCasey C, Pinzur M. Loyola University Chicago, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Journal, 2008; Vol 27: 30-33.

Artificial Materials for Joint Resurfacing: A Tribological Study of Friction and Wear. Steven C. Chudik, MD, Joseph A. Gil, Robert Erck, PhD. Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, St. Albert’s Research Conference, Chicago, November 20, 2009.

Reciprocation Friction and Wear Studies of Bovine Cartilage Sliding Against Cartilage, Polyurethane, Polyethylene and Colbalt-Chrome Alloy Discs. Robert Erck, PhD., Oyelayo Ajayi, Joseph A. Gil, Steven C. Chudik, MD. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, May 16-20, 2010.

Joint Resurfacing with Osteochondral Replacement Plus of Artificial Material: A Tribological Study of Friction and Wear. Neal Mugve, Steven C. Chudik, MD, Robert Erck, PhD. Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, St. Albert’s Research Conference, November 6, 2010.

Reciprocating Friction and Wear Measurements of Bovine Cartilage Sliding Against Cartilage, Polyurethane, Polyethylene and Colbalt-Chrome Alloy Discs. Joseph A. Gil, Robert Erck, PhD., Steven C. Chudik, MD. The 3rd Combined Meeting of JOSSM/AOSSM, Maui, HI, March 27-29, 2011.

Osteochondral Repair with Synthetic Plugs Increases the Coefficient of Friction and Damages the opposing Cartilage Counterface. Steven C. Chudik, MD, Aaron Baessler, MD, Neil Mugve, MD, Robert Erck, PhD., G. Carandang. International Cartilage Repair Society Conference, Chicago, May 8, 2015.

Osteochondral Repair with Synthetic Plugs Increases the Coefficient of Friction and Damages the opposing Cartilage Counterface. Steven C. Chudik, MD, Aaron Baessler, MD, Neil Mugve, MD, Robert Erck, PhD., G. Carandang. International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Conference, Lyon, France, June 11, 2015.

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