Cartilage Joint Tears

Within each joint, protective cartilage covers the ends of the bones to provide a smooth surface for painless joint motion. However, the cartilage itself is susceptible to injury. Once injured, the damaged cartilage can cause pain and inflammation in the shoulder joint, as well as physical limitations. Cartilage has no blood supply, therefore, it cannot heal on its own. A simple crack or fissure will continue to progress until the cartilage wears down completely, resulting in arthritis with pain, stiffness, and other joint symptoms.

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Content provided by Dr. Chudik not to be used for diagnosis and treatment. You can receive a proper evaluation and diagnosis by making an appointment with Dr. Chudik

Western Springs Office

Wed: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

4700 Gilbert Avenue, Suite 51
Western Springs, Illinois 60558
Phone: 630-324-0402
Fax: 630-920-2382


Steven Chudik MD Shoulder and Knee Injury Clinic.

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