It has been a pleasure taking care of you. Remember to continue the exercises you’ve learned to keep improving and to prevent re-injury. Should you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact my office, at 630-324-0402 or email

If you are satisfied with your treatment and experience and have a Gmail email address, please click the “Review” button to share your experiences with other patients.

If you do not have a Gmail email address, please follow the steps below to bypass this requirement:

Alternate non-Gmail address review submission option:

  • Click/select the review button below.
  • Click/select the option to “Create a Google account.”
  • In the Create window, enter your first and last name.
  • Click/select “use my current email address instead” and enter that email along with the password to that email and confirm the password.
  • Click/select next and the Google review window will open.

Thank you!

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