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A midshaft clavicle fracture is a complete or incomplete fracture (break) in the middle third of the clavicle (collarbone) in the shaft. This is the most common location for a clavicle fracture. For significantly displaced midshaft clavicle fractures, open fractures, or fractures associated with other significant nerve, blood vessel, or bone injuries, surgery is recommended. Surgery can stabilize the fracture in proper position to allow healing, movement of the patient, and protection for the other associated injuries.
Surgery consists of making a small open incision over the clavicle, repositioning the fracture fragments, and holding them in place with plates, screws, wires, sutures, or pins. After fracture healing, these fixation devices may be removed if needed. During surgery, X-ray is used to ensure that all fragments are appropriately aligned.
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Learn MoreContent provided by Dr. Chudik not to be used for diagnosis and treatment. You can receive a proper evaluation and diagnosis by making an appointment with Dr. Chudik