Lacrosse in-season and conditioning helps prevent injuries
As the lacrosse season gets underway, I would like to remind you about the research based, in-season strength and conditioning program my health performance team and I created specifically for lacrosse through my foundation, the Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Teaching & Research Foundation (OTRF). The program is designed to help prevent knee injuries and increase performance.
Lacrosse is one of America’s oldest activities with roots in Native American culture, and is now one of America’s fastest growing sports. Because lacrosse is a free-flowing, fast-paced sport with quick changes of direction, this can lead to non-contact ligament injuries especially to ankles and knees.
The OTRF program is free and you can click to download a PDF copy, or visit the OTRF website and see all the other free sport-specific programs that are available to you, your coaches, teachers and athletes.
As a board certified orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine physician, I know from my 14 years in practice how devastating an injury can be not only to the athlete, but also the team and even future athletic opportunities and considerations. Should you or your athlete get injured, I have specially reserved appointment time on Monday evenings just for sports injuries. You can book an appointment online at https://www.stevenchudikmd.com/schedule-online/, call my office 630-324-0402, or save this QR code to use whenever your need it, at home or on the field.